Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I think today was my favorite workshop we've had so far.
I liked going on "assignments" and figuring things out for myself: working through the sun, people, and cold. It was nice to apply what I have learned, felt like I learned something.
It was interesting to hear all your stories.
And to learn about the different techniques used in different situations.
I'm hoping that the mime pictures came out OK and that one of them makes it into the year book.
If not it's OK. But it would be nice.
There's only one workshop left to go and I'm sad to be done with it but I feel like I've learned alot and am really thankful I can be in a program like this one. Thank you.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


On Friday we learned about how to work with natural light as opposed to artificial light, which was interesting. This will most definitely be useful in the future. I need to start taking photos. At some point. I'm happy to know that my photos will look more professional-like.
I learned that certain positions are more flattering on the model such as shooting slightly down and obviously to avoid doing the opposite. I also learned how to shoot in harsh natural light and soft natural light.
It was interesting to learn that laying your model on the floor could be more flattering. I would've thought the opposite.
What else.
I'm still really excited to learn more.
And for the project.
And shoot more.
And be apart of the workshops.
Thank and good nite.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Today was fun.
I got to be backdrop girl and wear a headdress.
I really feel like I'm learning a lot. I don't want to be repetitive. But I will be.
It's still interesting to me how resourceful one can be. We used hangers and blankets in place of necessary equipment. And they worked just as well. I'm assuming.
I learned today that the further the back drop is the darker the background. Vise versa.
And more techniques on how to create certain types of light.
I wish I had more to say besides that I'm really excited to learn more and that I'm really enjoying the seminars. But I don't want to ramble about that. That's not worth reading. Neither were these last two sentences.
See you Friday.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

workshop/weekly blog

They would've been similar anyways so why not combine the two?
I'm really enjoying the seminars. I feel like I'm learning a lot of useful techniques that will help me in the future. I like how things make sense now. I always wondered why my pictures came out gray. And now I know why. I don't know if my dinky Sony has any sort of function to fix it but I'll look it up now that I know technical terms.
I liked talking about the effects of lighting and how it changes a photo's emotional value isn't something one usually thinks about when taking a photo. I'm happy that I can get more out of my photos now. It doesn't just have to be taking a new Facebook profile picture for a friend. Yeah, I know.
It's also nice to know the functions of the buttons on the camera. I only knew zoom and flash. Now I feel like I'm getting my monies worth.
Usually when I take a photo it's just to capture a memory, not so much for an artful reason. I don't know maybe I'll start experimenting with a camera to try and create something. Hm.
I've been trying to come up with ideas for the group project. I haven't thought of anything I feel is worth it. I know I want to do something with lighting, but again, nothing comes to mind. I'll keep thinking.
I'm really excited to learn (more).

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Work Shop

Good morning.
I really enjoyed the workshop. I wasn't sure what to expect, so I suppose it exceeded my expectations. I liked it. I like Rob.
Today, or technically yesterday, we learned about lighting techniques. It was interesting. I've never really thought about how lighting could effect a picture. Just by moving the light to one side or putting it behind a screen makes a huge difference. Ashley modeled as we experimented the different techniques. It was surprising how different each shot was. What was more surprising was how easy it was. These are things, for lack of a functional brain and not wanting to use the word "techniques" again, that I can use for the rest of my life. Not only if I (hopefully) work in advertising but just when I'm taking pictures with friends. I'm excited to learn.
My goal is just to learn as much as possible. Get as much out of the workshop as I can. I'm lucky I get to work with a professional. I want to advantage.