Friday, September 10, 2010

Thoughts on The Prisoner

I actually really liked it. I usually don't like action-y type shows but this was interesting. I have so many questions: how did they get there? Why are they there? Why is he, Patrick McGoohan, there? Where in the world is this place? Why was it created? The list goes on. At first I wasn't sure if there was a Robert Owen type utopia theme going on there but then I realized unlike the Utopias Robert Owen came up with, these people didn't work. It's confusing kind of like Lost. Not that I would know because I don't watch Lost but everyone else does and says it's confusing so probably if I watched Lost I would compare the two. Or not. I demand an answer to all my questions now. I'm anxious and excited to keep on watching AND for the rest of the year in STAC. Be seeing you.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. I never equated The Prisoner with Lost but it is clear where Lost came from when you think about it. A good point. Be Seeing You.
