His work is beautiful.
I just got finished stalking him.
I read the bios, looked at the pictures, saw the projects.
Each picture looks so simply done but there's something that catches your eye on all of them. They all look like they have some sort of deeper meaning. I feel the picture. The emotions are caught so well, it's moving. Particularly in 'Gabe and Eli' and the photos of the children doing art. I don't know, kids make me cry.
That's what I like most about his pictures. The emotion. This is me transitioning to his book. Rob has a book out about finding oneself and ones passion using spiritual techniques, art, and Eastern and Western philosophies. He says the world doesn't change around us, we do. I like that. Because ultimately you control yourself, and that's something most people don't realize. He strives to not only make himself better, but others around him. The passion he has for his work is inspiring. I really hope that one day I can do something I love just as much it seems he does. I'm excited.
One day I want to get paid for my opinions.