Monday, January 31, 2011

Rob Goldman

His work is beautiful.
I just got finished stalking him.
I read the bios, looked at the pictures, saw the projects.
Each picture looks so simply done but there's something that catches your eye on all of them. They all look like they have some sort of deeper meaning. I feel the picture. The emotions are caught so well, it's moving. Particularly in 'Gabe and Eli' and the photos of the children doing art. I don't know, kids make me cry.
That's what I like most about his pictures. The emotion. This is me transitioning to his book. Rob has a book out about finding oneself and ones passion using spiritual techniques, art, and Eastern and Western philosophies. He says the world doesn't change around us, we do. I like that. Because ultimately you control yourself, and that's something most people don't realize. He strives to not only make himself better, but others around him. The passion he has for his work is inspiring. I really hope that one day I can do something I love just as much it seems he does. I'm excited.
One day I want to get paid for my opinions.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sisters we still are.
I was sad. I was bad.
Excuses I won't continue to make to you.
I hope I still fit the criteria of what it takes to be your twin.
I'm sorry.
I don't write poems, you should know that.
I'm not as good with words as you, you know that.
I'm sorry.
I never left.
I don't want you to think I did.
Take me back because that's what I want.
That's what you want.
I'm sorry.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hi, hello. I'm trying to think and type as quickly as possible because I have desperately have to study for my math midterm. Or else.
OK let me see, let me see: this quarter felt shorter than the first one. And in about a week or so we will officially be done with the first half of the school year. Meaning I am closer to being done with the SATs and trigonometry. Hallejuah.
I think this week was much needed. We got to relax and watch Break Away and a two hour delay. Nothing wrong with that.
Break Away is definitely my favorite movie that we've watched so far. I liked breaking it down. In English we were breaking down an episode of the Simpsons and one of the kids in my class complained that he didn't like to think while he watched the show and prefers to just melt into his chair and drool. I understand that television is for entertainment. But I feel without "thinking" while watching you lose so much. I get more out of it when I figure things out, especially when watching the Simpsons, it makes the show funnier.
How do you even stop thinking? Can that happen?
I'm excited for third quarter because it is impossible for it to be worse than the second quarter. I'm looking forward to learning. So long.
P.S. I was wondering if it was possible for me to write my my 365 down in a journal and then transfer it at the end of the week or something. If that's OK.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

So, uh. It's kind of been awhile since I've posted on this. Vacation, illness, life, etc gets in the way sometimes. But I'm here now if you want me to be. Yes? You do? Ok.
A few days ago was STAC Live, my very first one in fact. It was fun. I think for the most part the reaction from the audience was good, although not everyone there was respectful. That's ok though, not everyone is going to like what you're doing, nor is everyone always going to like you. No problem. I just wish some of the comments could have been kept silent but again: no problem.
Due to my being sick I couldn't participate in STAC Live as much as planned. Contrary to what you may have thought I didn't mind being in the dance. I would've preferred to not be in it and I guess ultimately I got my wish. Anytime something is asked of me that I'm not really comfortable with I still do. In the end I know it'll make me better. I'm sure there would be some circumstances where I would probably have to object but that would be something extreme. No I'm not going to think of an example because I'm just not feeling that clever tonight. Sorry.
On every season of America's Next Top Model there would be a "makeover" episode where they would get all new haircuts and a label for their style. There would always be that one girl who would cry about how much she loves her long hair and doesn't want to dye it, even if it made her look 10x better. When I think about that it helps me when I'm put in situations that I don't want to be in, i.e. dancing, because I know in the end it would make me more comfortable with myself, etc. I know the deal, I know I'm awkward, I know you're trying to change that. Good luck.
And thank you Tyra.