Sunday, September 26, 2010


When I first read "liminal space" in the attached assignment, I literally pictured myself sitting in a corner, watching the room closing in on me. No space. No air. Just a shrinking room. A claustrophobic's nightmare. I went with my first instinct and shot corners in my house. Some frequently sat in, some not. There's literally liminal space. When I think of liminal space, I think crowded, hard to breathe, and tight. Exactly like a corner, sitting in a corner.

Pyschogeography Part Deux

Friday, September 24, 2010


I don't want the game to end until there's one person left. I.e. me. NOW I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO PROVE MYSELF! I hope I won. I want to win. It's ok if I don't. But no, I want to win. Little Miss Sunshine is on. That's my cue to go. We will see the outcome. Be seeing you (Monday).

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Explanation

The idea came to mind while I walking through my house the next morning. It was too obvious for me to think of.
There are certain areas, and objects I avoid routinely. The pictures are in order of what I see first to last in my day. Either because it's been branded into my head by my parents or it's just a pet peeve of mine.
Picture explanation:

Carpet threshold: there was just a scarring moment when I was younger and barefoot where it was way too cold. Not a big deal you say? Well I cried. Now I hop over it. And wear socks.

Door bumper: another traumatic event. When I was younger I tripped over it and banged my chin on the tile. Again. I cried.

Old concealer: I don't know how long it's been there but long enough for it to have grown some sort of mucus-y fungus (the green thing). I also don't know why it's never occured to anyone to throw it out. I still haven't thrown it out, even after taking the pictures. My arm turns into a noodle everytime I have to get something behind it. I touched it once by accident and immediately washed my hands. Twice.

Cracked tile: I don't like stepping on it.

Drain: When I was younger, once again, I was taking a shower and without realizing it a bar of soap had somehow made its way on top of the drain making the water level rise. It went up to my knees, I was shorter, and I nearly had a heart attack. I have a fear of whales and I imagined myself in the ocean and they were going to get me.

Shadow: the main focus is the shadow on the right side. I only step on the parts of the floor with light on them. At night I have a personally carrier. He carries me.

Rip in the rug: there's wood under the rug. I went exploring, yes when I was younger, to find out if it was really wood. I got a splinter.

Display: "This is worth more than you."

Display number 2: "This is worth even more..."

Storage room: It's cold and dusty and last I was in there a cricket jumped on my leg.

What I Avoid Touching in My House

Saturday, September 18, 2010


I hate Yom Kippur. I really shouldn't be on the internet right now. But I also really shouldn't have done my psychogeography project all morning either. But it's done, and I really like it. It will be uploaded sometime tomorrow. I know. The suspense is killing you.

Monday, September 13, 2010


We watched the second episode of The Prisoner and I don't know how I feel about it. It's odd because I feel like I know everything already but it's only the second episode. I predict repetition in some of the plot line: Number 6 attempts to escape, fails, seduces a woman on the "dark side" resulting in them switching teams, etc. We'll see.

I also found my fellow teammates today which was pretty exciting. Together we will conquer. And after we do, I will conquer them. They don't know that yet but it WILL happen. I'm out for blood.

And on that note, I'm off to get my sketch pad. See you tomorrow.

P.S. I hope we get to see the reinvented Swan Lake, I just googled and it looks incredible.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thoughts on The Prisoner

I actually really liked it. I usually don't like action-y type shows but this was interesting. I have so many questions: how did they get there? Why are they there? Why is he, Patrick McGoohan, there? Where in the world is this place? Why was it created? The list goes on. At first I wasn't sure if there was a Robert Owen type utopia theme going on there but then I realized unlike the Utopias Robert Owen came up with, these people didn't work. It's confusing kind of like Lost. Not that I would know because I don't watch Lost but everyone else does and says it's confusing so probably if I watched Lost I would compare the two. Or not. I demand an answer to all my questions now. I'm anxious and excited to keep on watching AND for the rest of the year in STAC. Be seeing you.